How do People Get Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
- Womenscorner Desk
- September 24, 2020
The most common way to get COVID-19 is by inhaling respiratory droplets in the air. When a person with COVID-19 coughs and sneezes, tiny droplets leave their mouth and nose and go into the air. You can’t see these droplets. If you’re within 6 feet of that person, you may breathe in those droplets. You won’t even know you’ve done it. But by doing that, you may get the germs that cause COVID-19 in your body.
COVID-19 also can be shared if you touch a surface an infected person has touched. Some examples include door handles, elevator buttons and shopping carts. The germs can get into your body if you then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Read More : To Protect Yourself Against COVID-19 Clean Your Hands
Who is likely to get Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
While there are many cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States, the overall risk of getting sick with it in the United States is still low for now. However, some people have a greater risk of becoming sick. Those include:
Travelers returning from international areas where there is a high concentration of COVID-19 cases. People in contact with travelers returning from international areas where there is a high concentration of Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases. People in close contact with someone who has Coronavirus (COVID-19). Most of the people who are getting sick with Coronavirus (COVID-19)9 are adults. While some children have become infected with it, too, most of them have had milder symptoms than adults.
Read More : Protect Yourself and Others from COVID-19
If people 65 years old and older get Coronavirus (COVID-19), they’re more likely to have a severe case. Likewise, people who have health issues, such as heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes are also at risk of getting a severe case.
Source : Google