Green Onion (Spring Onion) and their nutritional profiles.
- Women`s Corner
- August 20, 2022
Green (or spring) onions are a vegetable closely related to others in the Allium family, such as garlic, chives, and onions. They have a similar (but milder and sweeter) taste to regular onions. Green onions taste great when grilled whole and they also add a lot of flavor to stews and other dishes. Also, this vegetable is relatively dense in vitamins – notably vitamins A, C, and K;
Calories: 25 kcal
Carbohydrate: 5.6 g
Fiber: 3.5 g
Sugar: 2.1 g
Fat: 0.1 g
Protein: 1.8 g
Read More: Brussels sprouts and their nutritional profiles.
Vitamin K1: 209% RDA
Vitamin A: 80% RDA
Vitamin C: 76% RDA
Iron: 11% RDA
Vitamin B2: 8% RDA
Note: Green onions are a nutrient-dense way to add lots of flavor to a dish.
This article is taken from https://www.nutritionadvance.com/