To Make Weight Loss Eat less of Dairy Products and Nuts! Tips Number 4

  • Womenscorner Desk
  • August 31, 2020

Can you eat as much as you like and still lose weight? This often works well with a low-carbohydrate diet, as appetite regulation often improves. However, despite the fact that a low-carbohydrate diet generally makes it easier to eat just enough, there are foods classified as low carb which become a problem in larger quantities. If you find yourself having a hard time losing weight on a low carb diet, you could try to be more careful with:

- Dairy products (yogurt, cream, cheese)

- Nuts

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Dairy products contain varying amounts of lactose (milk sugar), which could potentially slow down weight loss. Consequently, cutting back on dairy products may help accelerate weight loss. This applies especially to dairy products typically lacking in fat, such as regular milk and various yogurts. But be careful with full-fat dairy such as cream and cheese all the same, as they are easy to overindulge in.

Exempt from all these dairy-product warnings is butter, which is almost pure fat. Generally speaking, butter may be consumed as desired but pay attention to fullness cues if your goal is weight loss. If it is overconsumed, dietary fat will be burned for fuel instead of body fat.

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Low-carb and dairy-free recipes: Nuts, the second food to watch, contain a fair amount of carbohydrate, and it’s very easy to unwittingly scarf down large quantities. Cashew nuts are among the worst carb-wise you’ll find that they contain around 20% carbohydrate by weight.For someone following a strict keto diet with a 20 grams of carbs per day allowance, this means that consuming 100 grams of cashews (which happens in a flash!) will have filled their daily quota. Peanuts tend to be around 10-15% carbohydrate not putting them in the clear either.

So, for those of you having trouble losing weight: use nuts sparingly. When in a situation where nuts are an absolute must, know that the most harmless ones carb-wise 
are macadamia nuts (usually around 5% carbs), or Brazil nuts (4%).

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Source : Google

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