Some Seeds will Make easy to Lose Weight Quickly
- Womenscorner Desk
- September 17, 2020
Staying in shape is a universal desire. Most of us are willing to try anything and everything when it comes to losing weight. Right from going for a crash diet to rigorous workouts, staying fit and healthy has turned out to be the need of the hour, but what if we told you that you don’t need to starve yourself to death just to stay in shape! Well, this might sound surprising that just by adding a few health-enriching seeds to your diet you can achieve the pink of health and lose that stubborn fat. Here’s why you must add these seeds to your diet and lose weight effortlessly.
Why must you go for these healthy seeds?
Seeds are rich in taste as well as nutrients, which make them a perfect ingredient for your puddings, shakes, parfaits, smoothies and salads. Rich in fiber and antioxidants, these seeds help in working as natural laxatives, which improves digestion and strengthens metabolism. Apart from that, these seeds can help in boosting immunity, which is essential in surviving the tough coronavirus situation. So, here’s all you need to know about these healthy seeds and why you must add them to your daily diet.
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Chia seeds : Chia seeds are one of the most nutrient-rich seeds, which can help in losing weight effectively. Packed with nutrients such as phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, calcium, fats, protein and fiber; these seeds are a great source of antioxidants, that help in protecting the body from the damage caused due to free radicals and are great for slowing down the process of aging. In fact, daily consumption of chia seeds can keep you satiated for a longer duration of time and the high fiber content in these seeds help in improving the digestion and better absorption of nutrients in the body. This helps in building a strong metabolism, and eventually helps in curbing the appetite. The low calorie content of these seeds makes them a great snack. For effective results, you can add soaked chia seeds to your shakes, smoothies, salads or you can also make chia pudding or add them to your healthy breakfast bowl with some yogurt.
Flax seeds : If there’s one seed that can naturally prevent diseases and give your body ample nutrition, then it has to be flaxseeds. Enriched with nutrients like proteins, fiber,
healthy fats, calcium, omega 3 fatty acids, iron, folate, vitamin B1, B6; the presence of these nutrients make flaxseeds a great immunity booster and the high fiber content in these seeds helps in improving digestion and strengthens metabolism over a period of time. Moreover, these seeds are low in starch content, which makes them low in calories too; In fact, daily consumption of these seeds can help in curbing appetite by giving your body the right dose of fiber.
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The best way to add flaxseeds to your diet can be soaking them overnight or mixing them with your oatmeal or breakfast meal or you can also mix them with yoghurt. You
can also eat them raw, it is believed that soaking flaxseeds make them easy to digest. The presence of fibers make these seeds a natural laxative that helps in easing bowel movements and better absorption of nutrients and improves gut health. Munching on these seeds can help in effectively managing weight. They are often used in traditional Indian recipes like raw mango chutney and ghiya ki subzee. Just roast and powder them and mix them in your curries and chutneys for that extra flavour.
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Sabja Seeds /Basil seeds : You must have come across little round seeds floating on the drinks and smoothies, which must have really grabbed your attention, but did you know these seeds were silently helping you shed some weight! Yes, those little seeds with transparent membranes were sabja seeds, which can effortlessly help you lose weight. They are packed with nutrients like proteins, carbs, fibre, essential fats and omega 3 fatty acids. These seeds are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which are present in omega 3 fatty acids that help in accelerating the fat burning hormones. Moreover, the high fiber content keeps you satiated for a long time and helps in curbing odd hunger pangs.
Source : Google