Link Between Blood Cancers and Coronavirus
- Womenscorner Desk
- September 25, 2020
Blood cancers affect your body’s infection fighting white blood cells. Multiple myeloma is a cancer of white blood cells called plasma cells. That weakens your immune system. On top of that, treatments such as chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants knock your immunity down even more.
A study published in February of people who were hospitalized with COVID-19 found that those who have any type of cancer or had cancer before were several times more likely to die or need ventilation. But that study counted only 18 people with cancers, so it’s unclear if larger samples might lead to the same findings.
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Your Cancer Care : If you’re on immune-suppressing therapy for your multiple myeloma, you may wonder if it’s best to stop for now. You should ask your doctor. For most people, the benefits of treatment outweigh the risks. If you’ve recently had an autologous stem-cell transplant, you are especially likely to get infections while you recover. Even if you are in remission after the transplant, your immune system won’t be back to its full strength for 6-12 months.
If you are in a clinical trial, the outbreak might interrupt it. But the FDA may arrange for you to continue to receive treatment at a different location. Experts recommend that you keep your scheduled cancer appointments. If you notice any COVID-19 symptoms like a fever or cough, tell your doctor right away. If you need to go to the hospital or to your cancer clinic, you may be asked to arrive wearing a mask and to follow other instructions. You also may need to consider these:
- Postpone any elective, major new treatment, such as an autologous stem cell treatment.
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- Avoid non-essential visits to big medical centers or busy doctors’ offices. If you must go, ask for an appointment at the least busy time.
- Get lab work at small local labs and ask the lab to send results to your doctor.
- Get enough medications and supplies to last you a while.
- Use the phone or internet for routine questions for your care team and to check lab results.
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- It’s best to make a plan with your doctor before you get sick as to what you should do if you get COVID-19 symptoms. Also know in advance where you will go if you need emergency care.
Source : Google