For weight loss Avoid temptation, Count calories
- Womenscorner Desk
- September 30, 2020
The University of Pittsburgh study also found that ladies who best controlled their weight were good at resisting the temptation to binge on forbidden treats. this does not mean never indulging during a gooey dessert again, but rather picking and limiting your moments. There are some ways to avoid daily temptations, including planning ahead when eating out, eating out less, and banning your worst weaknesses from the house.
Read More : For Weight Loss Fight Off Hunger With More Filling Foods
Another hallmark of successful weight maintenance, consistent with the University of Pittsburgh study, is often counting calories. Use a journal such as My Calorie Counter to stay a running total throughout the day if that helps you keeps track of calorie consumption. within the weight-control survey, the ladies who were most successful at but 1,800 calories each day and limited fat intake.