Do you know the health benefits of avocados?
- Womenscorner Desk
- June 23, 2020
Avocado is known as a ‘superfood’. It grown in areas with a warm climate. This unique fruit has about 20 types of vitamins and minerals which makes it a nutritionally-dense food. While the majority of the fruits are full of sugars, avocados are loaded with good fats. This healthy treat is available in many varieties in the market and is generally eaten raw or in salads. To know details about avocados. Read on to find out!
Good for heart health : Avocados contain beta-sitosterol which helps in maintaining the cholesterol levels inside the body.
Keeps the digestive system healthy : This fruit is very soothing for the intestine which makes the digestion process easier. Avocados contain soluble as well as insoluble fibres that aid the digestive system to work properly. It can be used to treat diarrhoea and constipation as it stimulates the digestive juices.
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Improves eyesight : With carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin, avocados help in protecting the eyes against age-related eye diseases, cataracts and
macular degeneration. The antioxidant activity neutralizes the effects of the dangerous free radicals which affects the eyesight.
Fights against hypertension : Being high in potassium, avocados can be a powerful fruit for fighting against hypertension. Studies have shown that eating a diet that is rich in potassium can regulate blood pressure by reducing the tension of blood vessels and arteries.
Reduces the risks of cancer : Avocado can protect you against stomach, colon, cervical and pancreatic cancers. Studies have found out that avocados boost the immune system and inhibit the growth of cancerous cells.
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Cures arthritis : Avocados helps in reducing the inflammation in joints, muscles and tissues. It contains a wide range of phytochemicals, carotenoids, phytosterols, flavonoids and omega-3 fatty acids, which makes it the best food for curing arthritis.
Good for liver : Many types of researches have claimed that this fruit contains certain types of organic compounds which help in protecting the liver from damage.
Lowers the risks of depression : Folate prevents the build-up of homocysteine, a substance which can impair circulation and delivery of essential nutrients to the brain. When it is found in an excess amount in the body, the person will suffer from depression. Avocado, being high in folate, can help in reducing the risks of depression.
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Good for kidney health : Diet plays a very important role in maintaining the balance of fluids and minerals in people who are suffering from chronic kidney diseases. Potassium intake can help maintaining kidney health and avocados are rich in potassium, so, it automatically helps the kidney to function properly by flushing out the harmful toxins from the body.
Great for bone health : Avocados contain various types of essential minerals like zinc, copper, phosphorous, calcium and selenium. All of these minerals are associated with the reduced risks of bone diseases.
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