Can Rice Help You Lose Weight?
- Womenscorner Desk
- November 11, 2020
Rice has gained a nasty reputation among weight watchers. And why not? The polished polished rice features a high glycemic index, low fiber and nutrients and might snowball all your diligence towards losing weight. But all said and done, this seems like an enormous sacrifice for several . From lip smacking biryani, rice kheer, vegetable pulao, to rajma or chhole chawal, rice is clearly prepared during a very versatile manner in Indian households. Deep inside we all wish we could eat rice without gaining any weight. But what if we tell you that it's less about the rice but how you eat it that creates all the difference. Yes, you read that right. As per a study published by the American Chemical Society, using copra oil and a refrigerator can hamper calories in your rice by as high as 60 per cent.
The method to prepare : So clearly there's no got to eliminate rice from your diet if you cook it smartly. it's widely known that rice is rich in calories and there's a sensible , tried and tested cooking method that's said to chop down it’s calorie content. So All you've got to try to to is boil rice during a good amount of water with a spoon of copra oil. Once it cooks for 30-40 minutes, drain it and keep it inside your refrigerator. Take it out after 12 hours and eat as you please.
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Wondering how this method works?
Rice or chawal consists of digestible starch along side a kind of carb that's referred to as resistant starch. For the unversed, humans don't have the enzymes to digest the latter (resistant starch) then once you consume it, it doesn’t get transformed into sugar and gets absorbed by the body for energy; instead it passes through the small intestine and gets metabolised within the colon. the very fact is that the more resistant starch a food has, the lower calories will the body absorb. So researchers from the school of Chemical Sciences, Sri Lanka experimented to ascertain if more of the digestible starch from the rice might be converted into indigestible type so it could make the rice less caloric.
The research : The team tested 38 different sorts of rice and experimented with several recipes to seek out out how that might help them hamper its calorie content. The recipe that seemed to work was the one where they used fat and refrigerator.
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The glucose unit present in hot boiled rice comprise a loose structure, but when the rice cools down, the molecules tend to rearrange themselves into bonds that are resistant to digestion. Now aside from lowering the calorie content, cooking rice during this manner also helps feed the great bacteria in your system. So if you're keen on rice, there's no got to cut it out of your diet.