Pros of Conceiving in Your 30s
- Womenscorner Desk
- July 14, 2020
The pros of having a baby after age 30 include the following:
Financial Stability : This is perhaps the biggest reason why women choose to have children in their 30s. Most women are settled in their careers in 30s. In your 30s, you will be older, wiser, capable of saving money and making better financial decisions. Expensive baby items, diapers, nannies won’t make you break out in a sweat.
Relationship Stability : By the time you are in your 30s, chances are, you will be in a stable, healthy relationship. Most women prefer to wait for a couple of years after marriage to get to know their husbands and discover themselves. Just think how stressful the initial few years of marriage would be with its difficulties and adjustments and throw a baby in the mix!
More Experienced : Just think back to what you were when you were 23. Barely more mature than a child! By the time you are in your 30s, you will have travelled, worked, lived and gained more experience. You will be wiser, calmer and can provide more support for your child.
Having a support group : If you have a baby at 25, chances are you will be the only mom among your friends as most women wait to get pregnant until they turn 30 or something. You will find yourself running to your parents or to other much older women for advice. When you have a baby in your 30s, your support group will consist
mostly of same-aged and like-minded mothers.
You’ll Look and Feel Younger : Most mothers admit that having children made them age faster. If you are having a baby at twenty-four then by the time you are 30 years old, you will have a 6-year old on your hands. Most of your friends will just start having babies making them appear much younger.