Gautama Buddha Quotes On Feelings
- Women`s Corner
- January 16, 2023
In this article, you can read some best Gautama Buddha Quotes On Feelings. Here are:
1. Those who are truly wise will remain unmoved by feelings of happiness and suffering, fame and disgrace, praise and blame, gain and loss. They will remain calm like the eye of a hurricane.
2. What is this world condition? The body is the world's condition. And with the body and form goes feeling, perception, consciousness, and all the activities throughout the world. The arising of form and the ceasing of form-everything that has been heard, sensed, and known, sought after and reached by the mind-all this is the embodied world, to be penetrated and realized.
3. Any material form, thought, or feeling, past or present, should be regarded as, 'This is not mine, this is not what I am, this is not my self.'
4. Live by contemplating the body through mindfulness. Live contemplating feelings. In this way, you will be aware of and control wrong desires.
5. How does one stay mindful? Where feelings are known as they arise, known as they persist, known as they pass away. Thoughts are known as they arise, known as they persist, known as they pass away. Perceptions are known as they arise, known as they persist, known as they pass away. This is how a monk stays awake.
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6. Monks, we who look at the whole and not just the part, know that we too are systems of interdependence, of feelings, perceptions, thoughts, and consciousness all interconnected. Investigating in this way, we come to realize that there is no me or mine in any one part, just as a sound does not belong to any one part of the lute.
7. In exactly the same way, ... scatter your body, your feeling, your perception, your predispositions, your discriminative consciousness, break them up, knock them down, cease to play with them, and apply yourself to the destruction of craving for them. Verily, ... The extinction of craving is Nirvana.
8. Our mind is full of anger, jealousy, and other negative feelings. Yet we do not realize that these are incompatible with inner peace and joy.
9. Flowers and thorns are on the same stem.
10. The secret of health for both mind and body is...live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.
11. It is impossible to underestimate the significance of your today's choices.
12. Attachment is the source of all suffering.
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13. Letting go of our suffering is the hardest work we will ever do.
14. I know what I gave them; I don't know what they received.
15. You only lose that which you cling to.
16. When you like a flower, you just pluck it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily.
17. Only those who go where few have gone can see what few have seen.
18. To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others.
19. One moment can change a day, One day can change a life and One life can change the world
20. Don't pray for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs.
21. Observe life by cause and consequence. Explore life by wisdom. Treat life with equality. The complete life of love.
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22. The trouble is you think you have time.
23. Like a lovely flower full of color, but lacking in fragrance, are the words of those who do not practice what they teach.
24. Offend in neither word nor deed. Eat with moderation. Live in your heart. Seek the highest consciousness. Master yourself according to the law. This is the simple teaching of the awakened.
25. Don't keep searching for the truth, just let go of your opinions.
26. Change is never painful, only the resistance to change is painful.
27. The greatest action is not conforming with the ways of the world.
28. Treat others with respect. How you treat others will be how they treat you.
29. Better than a meaningless story of a thousand words is a single word of deep meaning that, when heard, produces peace.
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30. Life is easy For the man who is without shame, Impudent as a crow, vicious gossip, Vain, meddlesome, and dissolute. But life is hard For the man who quietly undertakes The way to perfection, With purity, detachment, and vigor. He sees light.
31. As a solid rock remains unmoved by the wind, so the wise remain unmoved by blame and praise.
32. The greatest impurity is ignorance. Free yourself from it. Be pure.
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