Peach Crumble

  • Women‍‍`s Corner
  • September 17, 2022

Peach crumble, not to be mistaken for a peach crisp or a peach cobbler, has a decadent, buttery topping. While they're all a variation of crustless pie, a cobbler tends to have a more solid piece of topping like biscuits or dumplings, a crisp tends to have oats in a more freeform topping, and a crumble usually has topping that forms larger clumps made made of flour, butter, and sugar.

Here, we add a bit of ground cinnamon to give some warm, spiced notes and use brown sugar for a hint of molasses comfort. We pile the topping on generously so you don't get stuck with any lingering naked peaches that are crumb-free. We like to leave the skin on our peaches, mainly because you lose a lot of that delicious fruit flavor and beautiful, blush color when peeling peaches. But if you aren't a fan of the skin, feel free to peel your fruit!

The riper your peaches are the sweeter and tastier this easy dessert becomes. If your peaches are a little underwhelming to begin with, the lemon juice will help perk up the fruitiness, so don't skip it! 

This is best served with a cold scoop of ice cream on a warm summer day, but just in case you get the craving mid-winter, we wrote up the best way to freeze peaches. This dessert can be stored in the fridge for up to 5 days, covered. While the crumble won't stay as crunchy as time goes on, the peaches will still be sweet and juicy with a little reheating action.

Have you made this yet? Let us know how it went in the comments below! 



- 6 large peaches, sliced (about 2 1/2 lb.)

- 1/4 c. granulated sugar

- Juice of 1/2 lemon

- 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

- 1/2 tsp. ground ginger

- Pinch kosher salt

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- 1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour

- 1 c. packed brown sugar

- 1/2 tsp. kosher salt

- 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon

- 1/2 c. (1 stick) melted butter

- Vanilla ice cream, for serving

Method: Preheat oven to 375°. Make peaches: In a large bowl, combine peaches, sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon, ginger, and salt.  Make topping: In a medium bowl, combine flour, brown sugar, salt, and cinnamon. Pour in melted butter and stir until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Pour peaches and juices into a large baking dish. Sprinkle crumb topping evenly over peaches. Bake until topping is golden and peaches are bubbling, 45 to 50 minutes. Serve warm with ice cream, if desired.

This recipe is taken from

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